Inspirit Counseling, Inc. is a not for profit community based organization dedicated to strengthening emotional and spiritual health by providing counseling services to individuals, couples,and families.The Senior Services Project located in affordable housing buildings is supported by a grant from the Stulman Foundation. Senior counseling services are covered by Medicare, Maryland Medical Assistance and most other insurance.
Currently, in collaboration with Associated Catholic Charities Housing Services Division, we are providing mental health services to seniors in several of their buildings. In cooperation with GBMC’s Geriatric Division, we also collaborate with a nurse practitioner in several of the buildings where she provides care. The scope of service for Inspirit’s Senior Services Project includes several sites in Baltimore City and the larger metropolitan area.
Inspirit staff can help arrange for training on issues of aging and mental health for your building staff.Usually done in twosessions and conducted by the Mental Health Association of Maryland, the sessions include discussion on normal aging, the effects of depression and anxiety, dementia and other concerns. While a short course on mental health and aging, it is designed to familiarize staff about when residents’ behaviors indicate a need for mental health assessment and support services.
We can offer monthly follow up meetings with the manager/assistant manager/service coordinator to discussproblems that residents are encountering to assist in creating a plan for resolution.Staff can refer residents to a social worker who will see the person in their own apartment or in another space in the building, for confidential, professional counseling covered by Medicare and other insurances.
Inspirit counselors and staff can offer at least two educational programs a year to residents. These educational groups might be focused on such topics as: coping with winter blues, stress management, or aging gracefully. These programs can be tailored to the needs and concerns of the residents.
We look forward to working with you to provide mental health services to your residents. By entering into a memorandum of understanding, we can work together to improve the quality of emotional and spiritual health ofall seniors living in your affordable housing program.
Contact: Margaret Goode, Senior Services Coordinator