For a Lifetime is a program designed to help couples prepare for their life together in marriage. With so much energy spent on all the particulars of wedding planning, this program invites couples to set some time apart for exploring their marital relationship. Time will be provided for individual reflection, learning new skills and conversing with your partner about four important aspects of every marriage:

Similarities and Differences

Identifying, understanding, and respecting similarities and differences between you and your partner is essential to developing a healthy relationship. Every person is uniquely made in the image and likeness of God.

Marital Expectations

It is natural to have dreams and visions about the way your life together will look and feel. Naming these hopes you have for each other, will help identify areas of compatibility and possible incompatibility. Clear knowledge of expectations is necessary for building a realistic and healthy relationship.

Communicating and Problem Solving

Inevitably, there will be areas of difference and disagreement between spouses. Success in a marriage relies heavily on how well you deal with them. This program will teach you and your partner some important strategies for effectively discussing and solving problems with respect, acceptance and hope.

Past Relational Dynamics

Your history in your family and previous relationships impacts your new relationship in many ways. Gaining greater insight into your own and your partner’s patterns of relating will enhance your married life. Understanding is the basis of togetherness.

A wedding lasts for a day. A marriage, with God’s grace, will last for a lifetime.

The Inspirit For A Lifetime program is offered in two formats; a one day group program , typically on Saturdays, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm (fee is $150 per couple), or four individual couple sessions 50 minutes each, which are scheduled with a staff therapist (fee is $240 per couple).

Example of One Day Program:

8:30-9:00a Registration
9:00-9:30a Opening Remarks and Introductions
9:30-11:00a Similarities and Differences (personality inventory)
11:15-12:30p Marital Expectations (reflection and interaction with partner)
Lunch Break
1:30-2:30p Communicating and Problem Solving (instruction and interaction with partner)
2:45-3:30p Past Relational Dynamics (instruction, reflection and interaction with partner)
3:30p Evaluations and Closing

Private Sessions:  4 private sessions, scheduled at your convenience.

Video Conferencing is currently available for Individual Couple Private Sessions

For further information or to register by phone, please call:

410-433-8861 ext 160 • 800-427-4027 ext 160

One Day Retreat Program :

Saturday March 22, 2025
Grace United Methodist Church
5407 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Saturday July 19, 2025
Saint Michael Lutheran Church
9534 Belair Road
Nottingham, MD 21236

Saturday October 4, 2025
Grace United Methodist Church
5407 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

If you are interested in participating in a For a Lifetime program please email us at, or call John Michalczyk, Program Coordinator, at 410-433-8861 ext. 160

A program of preparation for those entering the lifetime commitment of marriage…designed with your marriage, not just your wedding, in min